Elementary School

Elementary School

Elementary School is for grades 1-6 (elementary school grades 1-6 in Korea).

The elementary course builds the foundation for core areas that will help students reach their full potential. Understand the concepts of literacy and math, science, and social studies, and create a foundation for academic achievement and lifelong success.

Course Overview

Students use and develop important language skills as they read and think about topics and problems in a variety of domains. You learn to use the formal language suitable for discussion and essay, the narrative language of stories, the figurative language of poetry, and the descriptive language of instructions and manuals.

Learning in the math curriculum begins with an emphasis on basic concepts and foundational skills. This leads to an understanding of mathematical structures, operations, processes, and language that provide students with the means necessary to reason, justify conclusions, and articulate and communicate mathematical ideas.

The main goal of science is to understand the natural and man-designed world. The basic concepts covered in the science curriculum are matter and energy, systems and interactions, structure and function, sustainability and responsibility, and change and continuity.

Students develop a sense of who they are by exploring their identities in the context of the diverse local, national and global communities in which they participate. Develop the knowledge, skills and traits you need to be a responsible citizen who makes a positive contribution to your community and discover ways to contribute to the society in which you live.

Through interaction with a variety of works in dance, drama, music, and visual arts, including multimedia arts, students deepen their awareness and appreciation of different perspectives. The arts curriculum is based on four core ideas: creativity development, communication, cultural understanding, and connection.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum is based on the vision that the knowledge and skills students acquire will serve them throughout their lives, promote mental health, comfort and happiness in body and mind, and support physical development so that they can thrive in an ever-changing world. do.