Secondary School

Secondary School

Secondary School is for grades 9 to 12 (middle school 3rd grade to 3rd grade in high school in Korea).

In high school, students choose an area of interest that aligns with their career path and prepares them for graduation and beyond.

Course Overview

English consists of four study areas: oral communication, reading and literature studies, writing, and media studies. Programs for all grade levels are designed to develop a variety of essential skills in these four interrelated areas, building on a solid knowledge base of the conventions of Standard English and integrating the use of analytical, critical, and metacognitive thinking skills.

Building on the foundations of previous grades, you will integrate and continue to develop your understanding of mathematical concepts related to algebra, measurement, geometry, data, probability, and financial knowledge. In Years 11 and 12, we offer courses that prepare students for college and work, depending on their career path.

(Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science, Physics, Science) Science consists of Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science, and Physics. Students choose subjects based on their interests, achievements, and goals.

(HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, CIVICS, ECONOMICS, LAW) Investigating Canada’s evolving role within the global community, the impact of various individuals, organizations and events on Canada’s identity, citizenship and heritage, and exploring environmental, economic and social geographic issues do.

(Dance, Drama, Integrated Arts, Media Arts, Music, Visual Arts) Arts consists of dance, drama, music, visual arts, media arts, and integrated arts subjects. Students choose subjects based on their interests, achievements, and goals.

Health and Physical Education helps students understand what it takes to live a lifelong healthy and active life and develop the skills to lead a satisfying and productive life.

(Core French, Extended French, French Immersion) Students use the language learning strategies introduced in Basic French to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and apply creative and critical thinking skills in a variety of ways.

It prepares students for the world of work and supports the exploration of a variety of careers in other fields and the development of transferable skills. Experiential learning opportunities help broaden students’ knowledge about themselves and career opportunities in a wide range of fields.

(Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5) ESL offers 5 courses based on your level of English and literacy development. Students may substitute up to three ESL courses for the required English language credit requirements. The remaining English credits must be taken from one of the compulsory English courses offered in Year 12.

Courses in Classical Studies consist of courses in Classical Languages (Latin and Ancient Greek) and Classical Civilizations that explore the cultures and rich heritage of the Classical World, while courses in International Languages consist of courses in modern languages spoken in different parts of the world.

(Equity Studies, Family Studies, General Social Sciences, Philosophy, World Religions) The social sciences and humanities course offers practical experience, debate, debate, research, reflection and critique in the areas of equity studies, family studies, general social sciences, philosophy and world religions. By developing creative and creative thinking skills, we help students become self-motivated problem solvers with the skills and knowledge to face a changing world.

Cooperative education provides students with broad and rigorous learning opportunities that connect with the community outside of school. Students make explicit connections between what they learn in relevant courses and how that learning is applied in real-world settings outside the classroom.

(Introduction to Business, Information and Communication Technology, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Marketing, Business Leadership) The Business Administration course in Years 9-12 covers five core areas. Business skills, communication in the business environment, digital literacy, financial education, ethical, moral and legal considerations in business

(Communications Technology, Computer Technology, Construction Technology, Green Industries, Hairstyling and Aesthetics
Health Care, Hospitality and Tourism, Manufacturing Technology, Technological Design, Transportation Technology) technical training includes communication technology, computer technology, construction technology, green industry, hair and aesthetics, health care, hotel and tourism, manufacturing technology, technical design, transportation technology There is an area of .

Computer Studies courses offer a variety of courses to help students focus their attention and develop a deeper understanding of the world of computer science and computer programming.

All courses in the native language program cover oral communication, reading and writing. The native languages accepted in the native language course are Cayuga, Cree, Delaware, Mohawk, Ojibwe, Oji-Cree and Oneida.